Shizuyo in Boston, 2010

shizuyo in boston 2010
  • 1. Derek Remes – Blues
  • Rosey Lee – Extract of “Twenty-Four Solar Terms”
    2. – Rain Water
    3. – Clear and Bright
    4. – Great Heat
  • 5. Richard Applin – Broken Glass
  • 6. Yoko Nakatani – Lunar Rainbow
  • 7. Apostolos Paraskevas – Anavasis
I was invited to Berklee College of Music to collaborate with the composition department, giving a recital and seminar in February 2010. They gave me the privilege to select the pieces for the program from approximately thirty submissions from faculty and students. I chose pieces by Lee, Applin, Paraskevas, and Remes (student). In addition, I included one more piece – a new composition by Nakatani who suggested this collaborative project. Even though the concert was successful, the recording did not reach my standard. All composers and I had hoped to make a recording of this concert program since then, and finally made it possible with cooperation of Studio Bosco in January 2013.

Shizuyo Le Nestour